In Linux fv-az520-129 6.5.0-1025-azure #26~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 11 22:33:04 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux,
Below is total package generation times for separate modules,
[ INFO] eclipse-microprofile-kumuluz-test 4.1.0 ............ SUCCESS [ 7.638 s]
[ INFO] helidon-quickstart-se 4.1.3 ........................ SUCCESS [ 6.145 s]
[ INFO] ktor-demo 3.0.1-kotlin-2.0.21 ...................... SUCCESS [ 11.333 s]
[ INFO] micronaut-demo 4.7.1 ............................... SUCCESS [ 11.599 s]
[ INFO] quarkus-demo 3.17.2 ................................ SUCCESS [ 18.825 s]
[ INFO] springboot-webflux-demo 3.3.5 ...................... SUCCESS [ 2.800 s]
[ INFO] springboot-demo-web 3.3.5 .......................... SUCCESS [ 2.799 s]
[ INFO] vertx-demo 4.5.10 .................................. SUCCESS [ 7.641 s]
Size of created packages:
Size in MB
:: Spring Boot :: (v3.3.5)
Started DemoWebFluxApplication in 1.752 seconds (process running for 2.223)
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 45 ( OK = 45 KO = - )
> max response time 4742 ( OK = 4742 KO = - )
> mean response time 1409 ( OK = 1409 KO = - )
> std deviation 1016 ( OK = 1016 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 903 ( OK = 903 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 1563 ( OK = 1570 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 3918 ( OK = 3918 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 4459 ( OK = 4459 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 2909.091 ( OK = 2909.091 KO = - )
:: Spring Boot :: (v3.3.5)
Started DemoApplication in 1.845 seconds (process running for 2.282)
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 6 ( OK = 6 KO = - )
> max response time 4766 ( OK = 4766 KO = - )
> mean response time 1275 ( OK = 1275 KO = - )
> std deviation 779 ( OK = 779 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 1044 ( OK = 1044 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 1353 ( OK = 1353 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 3024 ( OK = 3024 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 3701 ( OK = 3701 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 3200 ( OK = 3200 KO = - )
powered by Quarkus 3.17.2) started in 1.052s. Listening on:
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 39 ( OK = 39 KO = - )
> max response time 3443 ( OK = 3443 KO = - )
> mean response time 1099 ( OK = 1099 KO = - )
> std deviation 587 ( OK = 587 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 937 ( OK = 937 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 1238 ( OK = 1238 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 2211 ( OK = 2212 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 2648 ( OK = 2648 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 3555.556 ( OK = 3555.556 KO = - )
micronaut version:4.2.0
Startup completed in 715ms. Server Running: http://localhost:8080
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 38 ( OK = 38 KO = - )
> max response time 2248 ( OK = 2248 KO = - )
> mean response time 891 ( OK = 891 KO = - )
> std deviation 478 ( OK = 478 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 753 ( OK = 754 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 1076 ( OK = 1075 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 1814 ( OK = 1814 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 2031 ( OK = 2031 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 3555.556 ( OK = 3555.556 KO = - )
vertx version:4.5.10
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 15 ( OK = 15 KO = - )
> max response time 1823 ( OK = 1823 KO = - )
> mean response time 1020 ( OK = 1020 KO = - )
> std deviation 395 ( OK = 395 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 1074 ( OK = 1074 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 1342 ( OK = 1342 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 1595 ( OK = 1595 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 1731 ( OK = 1732 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 4000 ( OK = 4000 KO = - )
kumuluz version:4.1.0
Server – Started Server@1cc9cfb2{STARTING}[10.0.9,sto=0] @2854ms
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 22 ( OK = 22 KO = - )
> max response time 5627 ( OK = 5627 KO = - )
> mean response time 1612 ( OK = 1612 KO = - )
> std deviation 1070 ( OK = 1070 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 1279 ( OK = 1279 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 1681 ( OK = 1681 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 4052 ( OK = 4052 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 4755 ( OK = 4755 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 2666.667 ( OK = 2666.667 KO = - )
Helidon SE 4.1.3 features: [Config, Encoding, Health, Media, Metrics, Observe, WebServer]
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 0 ( OK = 0 KO = - )
> max response time 2177 ( OK = 2177 KO = - )
> mean response time 818 ( OK = 818 KO = - )
> std deviation 461 ( OK = 461 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 746 ( OK = 746 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 934 ( OK = 934 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 1725 ( OK = 1725 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 1960 ( OK = 1960 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 4000 ( OK = 4000 KO = - )
ktor.server.Application - Autoreload is disabled because the development mode is off.
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 0 ( OK = 0 KO = - )
> max response time 5063 ( OK = 5063 KO = - )
> mean response time 2281 ( OK = 2281 KO = - )
> std deviation 1407 ( OK = 1407 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 2152 ( OK = 2152 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 3048 ( OK = 3048 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 4715 ( OK = 4715 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 4873 ( OK = 4873 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 2285.714 ( OK = 2285.714 KO = - )
Rust rest services #
rustc 1.82.0 (f6e511eec 2024-10-15)
warp = 0.3.6
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 0 ( OK = 0 KO = - )
> max response time 811 ( OK = 811 KO = - )
> mean response time 278 ( OK = 278 KO = - )
> std deviation 170 ( OK = 170 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 258 ( OK = 258 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 343 ( OK = 343 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 632 ( OK = 633 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 714 ( OK = 714 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 5333.333 ( OK = 5333.333 KO = - )
actix-web = 4.4.0
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 1 ( OK = 1 KO = - )
> max response time 833 ( OK = 833 KO = - )
> mean response time 303 ( OK = 303 KO = - )
> std deviation 174 ( OK = 174 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 270 ( OK = 270 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 369 ( OK = 369 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 674 ( OK = 674 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 761 ( OK = 761 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 5333.333 ( OK = 5333.333 KO = - )
rocket = { version = 0.5.0, features = [json] }
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 3 ( OK = 3 KO = - )
> max response time 988 ( OK = 988 KO = - )
> mean response time 346 ( OK = 346 KO = - )
> std deviation 197 ( OK = 197 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 308 ( OK = 308 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 424 ( OK = 425 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 754 ( OK = 754 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 878 ( OK = 878 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 5333.333 ( OK = 5333.333 KO = - )
axum = 0.7.1
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 0 ( OK = 0 KO = - )
> max response time 836 ( OK = 836 KO = - )
> mean response time 281 ( OK = 281 KO = - )
> std deviation 165 ( OK = 165 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 249 ( OK = 249 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 349 ( OK = 349 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 620 ( OK = 620 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 749 ( OK = 749 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 5333.333 ( OK = 5333.333 KO = - )
Dotnet 7 rest service #
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 5 ( OK = 5 KO = - )
> max response time 1188 ( OK = 1188 KO = - )
> mean response time 456 ( OK = 456 KO = - )
> std deviation 243 ( OK = 243 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 415 ( OK = 415 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 543 ( OK = 542 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 947 ( OK = 947 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 1036 ( OK = 1036 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 4571.429 ( OK = 4571.429 KO = - )
Dotnet 8 rest service #
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 0 KO = 32000 )
> min response time 18 ( OK = - KO = 18 )
> max response time 1192 ( OK = - KO = 1192 )
> mean response time 473 ( OK = - KO = 473 )
> std deviation 258 ( OK = - KO = 258 )
> response time 50th percentile 417 ( OK = - KO = 417 )
> response time 75th percentile 574 ( OK = - KO = 574 )
> response time 95th percentile 1016 ( OK = - KO = 1016 )
> response time 99th percentile 1114 ( OK = - KO = 1114 )
> mean requests/sec 4571.429 ( OK = - KO = 4571.429)
Dotnet 9 rest service #
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 0 KO = 32000 )
> min response time 10 ( OK = - KO = 10 )
> max response time 2002 ( OK = - KO = 2002 )
> mean response time 449 ( OK = - KO = 449 )
> std deviation 250 ( OK = - KO = 250 )
> response time 50th percentile 403 ( OK = - KO = 402 )
> response time 75th percentile 530 ( OK = - KO = 530 )
> response time 95th percentile 915 ( OK = - KO = 915 )
> response time 99th percentile 1083 ( OK = - KO = 1083 )
> mean requests/sec 4571.429 ( OK = - KO = 4571.429)
graalvm native quarkus #
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 27 ( OK = 27 KO = - )
> max response time 1366 ( OK = 1366 KO = - )
> mean response time 548 ( OK = 548 KO = - )
> std deviation 250 ( OK = 250 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 508 ( OK = 508 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 650 ( OK = 650 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 1062 ( OK = 1062 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 1177 ( OK = 1177 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 4571.429 ( OK = 4571.429 KO = - )
graalvm native micronaut #
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 2 ( OK = 2 KO = - )
> max response time 1355 ( OK = 1355 KO = - )
> mean response time 407 ( OK = 407 KO = - )
> std deviation 249 ( OK = 249 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 358 ( OK = 358 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 539 ( OK = 539 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 905 ( OK = 905 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 1109 ( OK = 1109 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 4571.429 ( OK = 4571.429 KO = - )
graalvm native spring-boot-web #
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 1 ( OK = 1 KO = - )
> max response time 2868 ( OK = 2868 KO = - )
> mean response time 585 ( OK = 585 KO = - )
> std deviation 367 ( OK = 367 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 497 ( OK = 497 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 712 ( OK = 711 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 1234 ( OK = 1235 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 1989 ( OK = 1990 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 4571.429 ( OK = 4571.429 KO = - )
graalvm native spring-boot-webflux #
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 18 ( OK = 18 KO = - )
> max response time 1941 ( OK = 1941 KO = - )
> mean response time 535 ( OK = 535 KO = - )
> std deviation 339 ( OK = 339 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 442 ( OK = 442 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 666 ( OK = 666 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 1249 ( OK = 1249 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 1683 ( OK = 1683 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 4000 ( OK = 4000 KO = - )
graalvm native vertx #
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 11 ( OK = 11 KO = - )
> max response time 941 ( OK = 941 KO = - )
> mean response time 565 ( OK = 565 KO = - )
> std deviation 182 ( OK = 182 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 617 ( OK = 618 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 699 ( OK = 699 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 813 ( OK = 813 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 860 ( OK = 860 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 4571.429 ( OK = 4571.429 KO = - )
graalvm native helidon #
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 7 ( OK = 7 KO = - )
> max response time 1133 ( OK = 1133 KO = - )
> mean response time 450 ( OK = 450 KO = - )
> std deviation 199 ( OK = 199 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 415 ( OK = 415 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 553 ( OK = 553 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 840 ( OK = 841 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 965 ( OK = 965 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 4571.429 ( OK = 4571.429 KO = - )
graalvm native ktor rest service #
---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count 32000 ( OK = 32000 KO = 0 )
> min response time 1 ( OK = 1 KO = - )
> max response time 2784 ( OK = 2784 KO = - )
> mean response time 932 ( OK = 932 KO = - )
> std deviation 572 ( OK = 572 KO = - )
> response time 50th percentile 849 ( OK = 849 KO = - )
> response time 75th percentile 1254 ( OK = 1254 KO = - )
> response time 95th percentile 2046 ( OK = 2046 KO = - )
> response time 99th percentile 2474 ( OK = 2474 KO = - )
> mean requests/sec 3555.556 ( OK = 3555.556 KO = - )
GraalVM Native Binaries Sizes: #
Size in MB
source code for the java and dotnet tests source code for the rust tests github action
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