Availability in numbers
This is worth to note.
Availability in numbers #
Availability is often quantified by uptime (or downtime) as a percentage of time the service is available. Availability is generally measured in number of 9s–a service with 99.99% availability is described as having four 9s.
99.9% availability - three 9s #
Duration | Acceptable downtime |
Downtime per year | 8h 45min 57s |
Downtime per month | 43m 49.7s |
Downtime per week | 10m 4.8s |
Downtime per day | 1m 26.4s |
99.99% availability - four 9s #
Duration | Acceptable downtime |
Downtime per year | 52min 35.7s |
Downtime per month | 4m 23s |
Downtime per week | 1m 5s |
Downtime per day | 8.6s |
For more you can check https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer